Friday 16 January 2015

Green Water

                                                    Green Water

About Green Water

Like the sound of music, the taste of water varies in mystic proportions with its origin. The Color, Composition, Structure, Odor, and many other dilute characteristics such as these define its class. Many of the world’s variant forms of water are now being branded by different companies and packed for edible purposes. Unleashing the potential and the fondness of water Green Water facilitates access to different brands of water from all corners of the world. Green Water travels all round the international boundaries fetching the rarest and liked forms of this magnificent element of nature.


Water is the lifeline to every living cell that strives in a being, although for a casual observer it may mean nothing more than a medium or source for quenching thirst. Yet this very essential characteristic of water drives us to choose our water sources from an assortment of sources accessible to us. On many instances water may not suit someone who is may be a settler or a visitor, causing health issues to build up gradually.  Inadaptability to water may be due to various reasons like migratory, industrial pollution, basic nature of the water not suited for consumption. This health related problems may go unnoticed for a long time, till there is a glaring evidence of an unwanted change in our regular bodily process.  Many different brands have deciphered their various tested and proven scientific processes in sealing water for consumption. Green Water brings to you some of the most qualified and desired sources of water from different part of the world.


Water is formed all around the world, and with additions from the earth below; this liquid transforms itself from its basic structural components to a rich collection of minerals. These minerals are essentially required by our body in its daily dosage for healthy and a glowing living. Some of us need water not just for health reasons but for its accentuating characteristics like origin, odor, taste and purity. Anyone who is someone may have his/her own class of drinking needs and prefer their chosen brands of water to be available for drinking purpose at all times. Green Water reaches out to the best of variants in the water collection to serve its elite list of customers. Our Research and Marketing team identifies the purest and the best of brands that fall into the elite scope of drinking.

Water Avatars

Water in its serene forms have been pouring, flowing and streaming all round this planet in breathtaking avatars screen played by our nature. Their characteristics divinity can only be experienced when obtained from the natural sources in the purest forms away from the contaminating industrial civilization. Water cycle in its studied forms have become victims to industrial residues, they have been contaminated to various degrees causing a loss of natural characteristics that the water sources imbibed in their emerging waters. Green Water in its adoration for nature, purity and quality bring to you the most qualified and tested waters in its medically consumable formats. 

Various brands across the globe have researched into these biological hotspots and other sources to pack water for different taste and health factors. Some of the known sources of water being

ý         Artesian Water
ý         Deep Sea Water
ý         Distilled Water
ý         Glacier Water
ý         Iceberg Water
ý         Rain Water
ý         Spring Water
ý         Well Water

Artesian Water

During the middle Ages a town named Artois in France, the old Roman city of Artesian was known for its flowing artesian wells quenching the water needs of the dwelling people. Artesian water is indeed Ground water in common language, yet its origin christens it the way it is popularly known across the globe. Evidently Earths structure below is never constant, some sections could allow Ground water to easily flow through and some layers of poorly permeable rock, such as clay or shale could partially or completely block its seepage. Water held in such pockets develops pressure due to the hold. If waters from such Aquifers are tapped by well the water below would rise to the top of aquifer and flow over to the land surface. Such sources holding water under pressure are said to be under artesian pressure and the aquifer is called as an artesian aquifer.

Wells drilled to reach the artesian water may just be like an ordinary well, the difference being the pressure that the water is confined to below the layers of impermeable rocks, these wells as by the water are called as artesian wells.

Known for their Spring water characteristics they are obtained from various parts of the world.
Brands of Artesian Water
v  Fiji
v  Devine Water
v  Voss

Deep Sea Water

The Mystic and enormous oceans nearly occupy 70% of the Earths Topography, their enormity holds various forms that are worth a study. Sea/Ocean waters constitute various layers of characteristic water based on the depth. They differ in temperature and Salinity, with warm and relatively non-salty found on the surface and cold salty water found deep below. Deep Sea Water is referred to the cold and salty water found deep below the Seas/Oceans. These are studied to be travelling from the Icecaps in the freezing currents under vast glaciers gathering ancient minerals that are scrapped from the ice while it flows. The temperature of Deep Sea Water is typically ranging from 0°C/32°F to 3°C/37°F and a salinity of about 3.5% (35 psu).These waters are naturally safe from surface pollutants caused by industry, farming, chemicals and human waste.

Its characteristics temperature makes it a very useful ingredient for scientific and commercial purposes. The water obtained is considered to be enriched by natural mechanisms and environmentally sound. These waters are now being bottled for commercial purpose with qualified techniques for consumption.
Brands of Deep Sea Water
v  Kona Deep

Distilled Water

A process used for extracting water out of its impurities for consumptions including drinking. A more commonly known process of distillation involves the evaporation of water leaving behind the impurities and then condensing the steam into a cleaner container. This process of Distillation through evaporating and then condensing has been used since the early ages of civilization. Water contains many soluble impurities whose boiling point is much higher than the dissolving water itself, making use of this scientific reasoning, while the water is heated the water tends to take the gaseous state and evaporate away while the impurities are left behind. The outcome of distillation is considered to be amongst the most effective in cleaning water from its impurities. These positive factors allow the process to be widely used in different parts of the world where water is contaminated with dissolved impurities and are not edible for drinking purposes.

With its easily understandable process of even to this day Ships make use of this process to convert sea water for drinking purposes. Process of distillation has further been improvised with distillation methods being used in the refinement of other liquids such as alcohol, perfume, petroleum, and different solvents. In modern methods of distillation more filters are added like the carbon filtration which removes contaminants like VOC's and Radon.

Brands of Distilled Water
v  Xxxxxx

Glacier Water

Dense ice moving under its own gravity and sly deforming under its own pressure due to its enormous freezing weight are called Glaciers. These are known to be the largest reservoirs of freshwater on earth. It is believed that earth was covered by glaciers for nearly one third of its topography around 20,000 years ago.

Glaciers are formed when snow accumulates in an area that is bowl shaped that facilitates the compression of snow through gravity. This snow id collected and compacted by the weight of falling snow, crushing the now and squeezing the air out of its vacancies. This mass of snow continues to grow thick under pressure above and due its self implicated gravity, slowly begins to move.
The water from these glaciers is supposedly in the purest of forms due to negligible human interference over their dwelling. Water Packaging companies have now begun to bottle this water for human consumption.

Bottled Iceberg Water

Icebergs are known for their majestic forms, its reflective white is evidently the most beautiful of all its shades. Icebergs formed near the far poles are said to be the purest of all forms, as human civilization hits a road block way ahead of their prominence. These Icebergs were formed more than thousands of years the snow in these colder topographies formed large glacial structures that drifted into the proximal oceans.

Many water packaging companies have begun packing the water melted from these ice giants for consumption purpose. Waters from these Icebergs are tested based on the defined drinking standards.
Brands of Iceberg Water
v  xxxxxx

Rain water

Rain has been always been amongst the most welcomed gifts of nature. Descending from the skies above they pierce through our layered atmosphere before landing on the awaiting grounds below. Civilization has brought in more and more contaminants into the atmosphere primarily due to industrial and Vehicular pollution. The smoke and dust from these sources are the culprits behind the various contaminated forms of rain water. Although the purity of rain water is questionable to greater extents, yet there are still places on earths circumference left untouched by mankind. These places are known to have very negligible or no contamination at all.  The mineral content on these waters is low compared to other variants of water. Some of the places where rain water is collected for drinking are in Tasmania where pollution and dust are at their minimal best.

Rainwater should be harvested carefully with all precautions in mind, Bottlers from various parts of the world identify and seal some of the purest versions of rain water for consumption.
Brands of Iceberg Water
v  Cape Grim
v  Cloud Juice
v  Oregon Rain

Well Water

Without any special skills required to tap them, well water has been one of the most ancient forms of water sources quenching human kind since many thousand years. Another variant of Ground water flowing beneath the earth’s surface, wells are made when the earth’s surface is dug deep enough till the pickaxe strikes the water beneath. In recent past water consumption from traditionally dug wells have reduced due to a more modern replacement with bore wells. Water from rain and other sources seep into the ground move through various naturally defined sedimentation processes. These waters are filtered by the differentially layered earth the ground water is considerably clean and pure for drinking. Ground water carries many valuable minerals essentials for healthy living, although the extent of their concentration is defined to certain permissible limits.
Brands of Iceberg Water

v   Highland Spring
v  Tau
v  Hildon

Spring Water

Discovering a Spring water sprout in the present day world is as pleasurable as a treasure hunter finding his treasure in adventurous writings. With changing face of the earth by mankind, it is very less likely to find a spring water source in our dwellings. Spring water is again another source of ground water, but in these variants water emerges out of a vent on the earth’s surface. Such water is considered more pure in forms than the well dug water as it is believed that rising water from the ground carries lesser concentration of earthly minerals than found in the bore wells.

Spring water may flow all round the year, or be seasonal depending on the rain and other factors affecting the ground water levels. Spring water is widely believed to be beneficial in terms of the natural minerals that it constitutes.  Researchers of spring water check and test into the water constituents and qualify it for human consumption. They are often categorized based on the amount of water that gushes out of the spring hole.

Characteristics of Water

Water in its purest of forms is the representation to transparency, its spatiality is wonderfully captured in many creative imaginations. Amidst these artistic adventures water has a classification based on various categories that labels it with various brands.

Hard/Soft Water

Clinically Hard and Soft Water are classified based on the quantity of dissolved minerals, such as Calcium and Magnesium. Amongst the most common ways to identify the difference is the minimal suds formation when soap is used in hard water as compared to soft water. When soap is used with hard water it tends to produce a white precipitate. Also Hard water is known to create scaling or deposits through calcification eventually clogging the plumbing lines. Calcium and magnesium are the reasons for such white scales on the pipes. Swimming pools can also be identified for its hardness through its milky appearance. Rainwater and distilled water are soft.

Causes for Hardness:
Water as it flows in the ground collects many minerals along its journey. Calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium(Mg2+) in its water liking properties. A higher concentration of these cations leads to the hardness of water.
Hard water is not harmful for human health, as human body requires such minerals for its flawless functioning. Yet Hard water is a menace for industrial applications, for instance it causes damage to containers and pipes, for countering these situations water softening methods are used.

Making the Hard water Soft?
Temporary hardness of water can be removed by heating as the bicarbonate minerals tend to precipitate out from the water when it is allowed to cool. On the contrary permanent hardness of water cannot be removed by heating alone. Chlorides or Calcium and magnesium sulfates cause the hardness of water. Permanent hard water can be made soft by some industrial treatment. For example permanently hard water can be treated with ion-exchange resins in which hardness ions are exchanged for sodium ions.
Hard <> Soft

Mineral Composition
Health Benefits
Reaction with Soap
Plumbing reactions
Hard Water
Minerals such as calcium and magnesium
Higher benefits, due to presence of earthly minerals
Minimal Suds
Causes Calcification and Quick Corrosion
Soft Water
Less beneficial due to absence of minerals
More Suds
No such problems

Levels of Hardness
hardness in mg/L
Moderately hard
Very hard
≥ 181

Age of Water

Although not a important factor to grade water,  yet an important parameter to study and acknowledge its characteristics based on age of the water. For instance older water underground may be classified for its high levels of minerals than a younger ground water pool. Water collected in the earth a few years ago may not have had sufficient time frame for absorbing all the minerals.  Younger water is considered to be lighter and cleaner in taste.
Rain water collected underground many thousand years ago may now be tapped in different regions of our planet for a flaunting experience. The age of water when noted adds on to its commercial aspects, although older water is as safe as younger water, yet it may not be characteristically very helpful in comparison.


Available in abundance in the home called Planet Earth, Minerals are essential for every healthy living. And one of the most consumable formats of minerals is in the proliferating dynasty of the water kingdom. The amounts of minerals dissolved in water are indicated as total dissolved Solids. Its measure is taken in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter(mg/l).
Minerals variants are
»        Carbonates
»        Bicarbonates
»        Chlorides
»        Sulfates
»        Phosphates
»        Nitrates
»        Calcium
»        Magnesium
»        Sodium
»        Iron
»        Potassium
»        Manganese

Total Dissolved Solids

Dissolved into the water, these minerals are required in varied quantities by living beings. Some of us have specifics on the taste of water which when broken down to the chemical composition would have one of these listed as their primary source for its taste distinction. TDS is one of the most important factors defining and distinguishing water amongst its variants. Water with Low levels of TDS is neutral in taste and less heavy in weight, water with high TDS are heavier and taste distinctively. Different Countries have defined their acceptable levels of TDS. Mineral water are measured and classified for their TDS levels as below
Super Low
0 - 50mg/l
50- 250 mg/l
250- 800mg/l
800 - 1.500mg/l
Very High
1.500mg/l & over

pH Factor of Water

Chemical sciences define pH as the measure of acidicity or basicity of liquids. Liquids with pH less than 7 are termed acidic and those having a pH above 7 are alkaline. pH scale is considered logarithmic in nature, each unit is tenfold of its next, for example water with a pH of 5 is 10 times more acidic that water with a pH of 6. Pure water has a pH very close to 7.

Natural Factors affecting pH
Pine or fir forests - Decomposition of the needles falling from these trees make the soil acidic and hence affect the acidity of water sources nearby.
Water table water - percolates through soils, and if the soils are buffered, the pH may be somewhat higher (7-8).
Precipitation - When water precipitates through air, on its journey way down it dissolves with atmospheric gases like carbon dioxide and forms a weak acid. Unpolluted rain and snow is considered slightly acidic in nature.
Photosynthesis - Plants during their natural feeding process of photosynthesis remove carbon dioxide from water causing a raise in the pH of water. During the afternoon when there is ample sunlight the pH is the highest and lowest just before sunrise.
Calcium Carbonate - These are one of the commonly mixed water minerals, when these combine with the hydroxyl ions they tend to alter the pH of water.

Human Factors that influence pH
Acid Rain- with inventions and technologies rising new levels, artificial interference in natures cycle has had adverse affects on naturally available water. Acid rain is one of the apt examples resulting due to human intervention. Sulfuric acid and Nitric acid exhausted into the air are the main reasons for acidic rain. Some parts of the world have soils that are buffering in nature and decrease these effects of acidic rain.
Point source pollution - Industrial wastes have been commonly dumped into water sources all over the world. Chemical components in the wastes produces by industries affect the pH of water. Such changes in pH affect the behavior of other chemicals in water
Mining - One of the strongest cases of water pollutant to the core is through mining. These expose rocks to rain water and cause an acidic runoff. Mining drainage can dissolve large quantities of acids into nearby waterways.

Carbonation Levels of Water

As the cities of the world are moving towards bottled or packaged water consumption, it is an interesting subject to study and understand how carbonation is being tasted, liked and fancied by different people. Carbonated waters are visibly identified for their large and small bubbles with different sound when the bubbles break. Restaurants and Connoisseur have different level of carbonation requirements.

Because of its liked nature in the otherwise plain tasting water, Carbonation is one of the most wanted variants in matching them with food. Water is also naturally carbonated due to the Volcanic Activity in very rarely occurring conditions. Water that has been carbonated naturally is sought for their curative properties. It is known and believed that carbon dioxide helps the absorption of minerals in appreciating levels. Artificially water is carbonated by mixing it with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide adds effervescence by creating a dilute carbonic acid solution with the water.

Amongst the variants in carbonation level which exist are STILL(Carbonation: 0-2.5 mg/l), EFFERVESCENT(Carbonation: 2.5-5 mg/l), LIGHT(Carbonation:  2.5-5 mg/l),CLASSIC(Carbonation: 5-7.5 mg/l)BOLD(Carbonation: larger than 7.5 mg/l).

Water Packaging

When in nature, water is protected by a shield that nature has designed over a millions of years, but the harmful effects of human intervention into the intended flow of water has caused many a catastrophic affects, and that we are still facing and with more advancements and carelessness towards water pollution many more are expected to come. Water is the most important constituent for humans and all other creatures on this planet, its serenity and cleanliness can only be safeguarded by us.
It is crucial that water for consumption be packaged in the most safest and usable manner.  Water can be packed in Plastics, Metal and Glass Containers. Out of these Metal containers are costliest and less preferred over Plastic and Glass ones. Plastics have been the greatest boon and a menace amongst the horde of inventions lined up by us. Easy to manufacture and handle, Plastics have steadily changed the face of earth with throwaway bags polluting our environment. Having spoken of its cons, yet plastic has been the most sought after containers when it comes to packaging of water, because of its nature and comparatively better handling options.  

In comparison to Plastics, Glass containers are heavier and difficult to handle and maintain. But study and research over the storage of water in Plastic and Glass containers have proved that water in Plastic containers are prone to affect due to the decaying chemical compositions. Glass water containers are known to have minimal or no effect at all on the water stored in it for a short duration of time. But because of its higher maintenance it is used in limited proportions. Some of the elite drinking brands of water consider packaging in Glass as an added selling point for its brands purity.
Variants of Plastics are now being produced to cover the harmful effects of plastic storage of water which are to be disposed after a certain usage or time.

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